Easy-to-read information

Welcome to Prevention Forum+. Easy_to_read_Logo.jpg

The abbreviation for Prevention Forum+ is PF+.

It is pronounced Pe-Ef-Plus.

We explain to you,

what PF+ is and

how to use the site.

Table of contents:


1. What is Prevention Forum+?

PF+ is a search engine.

A search engine is a programme

that you can use to search pages on the internet.

There is usually a search field in the middle of the page.

Here you enter words and terms 

that you want to search for.

The best-known search engine is Google.

PF+ also searches many pages on the internet.

With PF+ you can find a lot of information.


2. What information can you find in PF+?    

With PF+ you can find information on prevention at work.

Prevention means acting

before something bad happens.

For example:

Before you cross the street,

look to your left and to your right.

You want to see

if a car is coming.

Because you don't want to have an accident.

It is even better

is to cross the road at a traffic light.

That is prevention.


PF+ is a search engine on the subject of occupational safety and health.

The abbreviation for occupational safety and health is OSH

For example:

  • OSH on construction sites or
  • OSH in hospitals or
  • OSH at school

You can get information from PF+,
so that accidents don't happen.

For example, you can search:

  • How must a worker protect himself,
    so that he can work safely?
  • What protective clothing is available?
  • How do I deal with toxic substances? 
  • How do I erect scaffolding during construction,
    so that no one falls off?

The information on PF+ helps
to improve working conditions.

For example:

  • A worker must do dangerous work
  • He is not protected 

Bad working conditions -a worker stumples

Then he has bad working conditions


  • A worker does a job he enjoys a lot

Picture: Everything tidy, workers are cheerful, good working conditions

  • He is protected 
  • He is supported by his colleagues 

Then he has very good working conditions.


3. Where does the information come from?

The information comes from 5 countries.
These countries are

  • Germany
  • Austria
  • Italy
  • Switzerland and
  • Cyprus

Some information comes directly from the European Union.

We call the different countries field of law.  

  • The information comes from Germany
  • Then the field of law is Germany


  • The information comes from Switzerland 
  • Then the field of law is Switzerland

4. Who can use PF+?


All people can use PF+.

The use is free of charge.

There is no advertising.

The information is correct.

This means:
someone has checked the info beforehand.


5. Who are the partners of PF+? 

PF+ has 4 partners.

These come from several countries: 

The partner from Germany is the DGUV.
DGUV is the abbreviation for Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (German Social Accident Insurance).

The partner from Austria is AUVA.
AUVA is the abbreviation for Allgemeine Unfall-Versicherungs-Anstalt.

The partner from Switzerland is SUVA.
SUVA is the abbreviation for Schweizerische Unfall-Versicherungs-Anstalt.

The partner for Italy is PKB, which stands for Paritätisches Komitee im Bauwesen (Joint Committee for the Construction Industry).
PKB is from South Tyrol.
South Tyrol is part of Italy.

The 4 partners work together.


6. What do these partners do?

The partners are experts.


An expert is another word for specialist.

An expert knows a lot about a certain thing.

Our partners know a lot about occupational safety and health in their country.

Each partner collects important websites for their country.

These are, for example, laws on occupational safety

or regulations for example for

  • Working on construction sites
  • Working in the hospital
  • Learning at school 
  • Working in a factory

The experts check

whether the information is correct.

The internet pages contain the right information.

7. How to operate the PF+ page?

Using PF+ goes like this:

7.1 The PF+ address

The address of PF+ is www.praeventionsforum-plus.info.

You can also use the shorter address www.pfplus.info.

7.2 The languages of PF+

PF+ is available in several languages:

Screenshot selection of the language

  • German
  • English
  • Italian
  • French
  • Greek and 
  • Spanish

You can select the language at the top right of the page:

For example, you can select English.

Then all the information on the page will be in English.


You can select FRANÇAIS, for example.

Then all the information is in French.


7.3 The search in PF+

There is a search field in the middle of the page.

Enter a word in the search field.

Screenshot search box

For example, you are looking for information on asbestos.

Working with asbestos is very dangerous.

Write the word asbestos in the search box.

Then click with the mouse on the magnifying glass in the search box:

A new page opens.

Screenshot of the search results page with areas 1-3

We call this page the search hit page.

On this page there are many passages of text.

These are the hits for the term

you have searched for.


7.4 Search hit page

The 1st area is in the middle:

In the middle is a list.

This list shows the search hits.

You can choose from the list.

The 2nd area is on the left.

Screenshot Facetten

Here is also a list

On the list you can see different fields.

For example, the Source field.

The field Field-of-law is always expanded.

You can click on individual areas in the field and click on Apply.

The list now shows fewer search hits.

These search hits are more precise.

The 3rd area is on the right.

We call it the info area.

The info area is divided into

  • Translations
  • Topics
  • Databases
  • Rules and regulations
  • Campaigns
  • Organisations
  • Sometimes there is no information in the info area.

Then it looks like this:

Screenshot info area

For some terms you will find translations of the word in other languages,

like in a dictionary

For example

You search for asbestos.

It will look like this:

Screenshot info area by search for asbestos

Then you will find translations for Asbestos in different languages:

For example:

it is the abbreviation for Italian.

Behind it there is amianto.

That's what asbestos is called in Italy.


el is the abbreviation for Greek.

Behind it is Αμίαντος,αμίαντο.

That's Greek.

That's how you write asbestos in Greece.

There is more info

For example.

You search for asbestos.

This then looks like this

Screenshot info area by search request for Asbestos- topics and data bases

That means

You will find

  • 43 Info on topics
  • 43 Infos at databases
  • no infos on rules and regulations

There are figures to the right of the words.

This is how much information is displayed for this word.

To the left of the words are arrows.

Click on an arrow.

Then more info appears. 


For example:

You search for asbestos

Many topics are shown.

Next to the topic asbestos cement is the figure (2)

This means that there are 2 further information.